Saturday, June 15, 2019

This blog is not dead, at least not quite yet.

I was streaming yesterday when a viewer observed that my blog hadn’t been updated in 4 years. So much has happened and I have been busy with so many things that I just haven’t gotten around to blogging. Time to get this blog restarted! My friends often chat with me about entertainment, technology and gaming-related topics and I think I’ll start posting about some of that. It might be a bit slow at first, but I have a few ideas of things that might be fun to share such as a series on the gaming PC I plan to build, or thoughts on computer hardware, some scripting ideas, educational resources and so on. Although my blog is a bit of an outlet for me I would like it to be a helping hand for you. Maybe I can share something here that you will find useful. I’ll also share a few opinions from time to time.

Thanks for stopping by.