Sunday, June 21, 2015
Happy Father's Day
I hope everyone is having a happy Father's Day. I was able to get in a little SWTOR time today and enjoy some dailies and a flashpoint before I have to go off and spend some time with family. I'll be back later tonight. I hope everyone is having a happy Father's Day.
Friday, June 19, 2015
SWTOR Scripted Dancing with VBScript
I play SWTOR, probably more than I should…and late at night sometimes I get some strange ideas. This time just for fun on this night I was thinking as I typed dancing emotes that it might be nice to automate them. While online games like SWTOR have rules against automated game play they typically ignore anything that doesn’t offer an unfair advantage so I’ve used scripting in other games to automate all kinds of things that were just for fun. I created a VBScript to send emote commands to my character and dance through a pre-selected sequence. In this video I demonstrate how it looks and show how I did it. Below is a complete copy of the VBScript used in this video. You can copy it to a text file, call it anything you want and save it with the extension VBS and it’s ready to go. Run it as Administrator and set focus into SWTOR and you’ll be dancing the night away, provided you have all the same emotes unlocked that I do. Of course you can customize the script to whatever emotes you prefer. Enjoy!
msgbox("running") EmoteThis("wave") EmoteThis("flirt") EmoteThis("clubdance") EmoteThis("lepihop") EmoteThis("backflip") EmoteThis("holohoop") EmoteThis("clawbirdkick") EmoteThis("angrydance") EmoteThis("dance") EmoteThis("clubdance") EmoteThis("drink") EmoteThis("kneel") EmoteThis("flex") EmoteThis("superflex") EmoteThis("toetouch") EmoteThis("yippee") EmoteThis("doubleguns") EmoteThis("woot") EmoteThis("drink") EmoteThis("backflip") EmoteThis("introduce") EmoteThis("flirt") EmoteThis("holohoop") EmoteThis("clawbirdkick") EmoteThis("angrydance") EmoteThis("dance") EmoteThis("clubdance") EmoteThis("lepihop") EmoteThis("backflip") EmoteThis("boogie") EmoteThis("getdown") EmoteThis("nobones") EmoteThis("thrash") EmoteThis("whatup2") EmoteThis("traditional") EmoteThis("clubdance") EmoteThis("backflip") EmoteThis("toetouch") EmoteThis("beachparty") EmoteThis("scratch") EmoteThis("bottlebreak") EmoteThis("dud") EmoteThis("laugh") EmoteThis("kloo") EmoteThis("kiss") EmoteThis("bye") msgbox("Done") sub EmoteThis(IncomingEmote) Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") WScript.Sleep 20000 WshShell.SendKeys "{DOWN}" WScript.Sleep 1000 WshShell.SendKeys "{ENTER}" WScript.Sleep 1000 WshShell.SendKeys "/" & IncomingEmote WScript.Sleep 1000 WshShell.SendKeys "{ENTER}" end sub |
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Roundtable Discussion: WTF Happened to WoW?
I used to play the World of Warcraft very heavily, and nothing else. For years I didn’t buy any other games and spent all my free time in WoW. Today the game just doesn’t have the appeal it once did and millions of players have quit. WTF happened to WoW?!
Want to join me for a roundtable discussion? Via Ventrillo I’d like to have a discussion with other gamers about what they enjoyed about WoW and what they feel is missing now. Have you let your account lapse (I have)? If so, why?
Let me know if you would like to join us for this discussion which will be recorded for YouTube. Feel free to plug your channels too.
We'll see how many people are interested and then set a date for the discussion.
Want to join me for a roundtable discussion? Via Ventrillo I’d like to have a discussion with other gamers about what they enjoyed about WoW and what they feel is missing now. Have you let your account lapse (I have)? If so, why?
Let me know if you would like to join us for this discussion which will be recorded for YouTube. Feel free to plug your channels too.
We'll see how many people are interested and then set a date for the discussion.
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Time for SWTOR at last!
Today was a busy day so I wasn’t able to game this morning, but I’m finally home so it’s time for SWTOR! My Level 60 Imperial Agent finally made it to the Begeren Colony so I’ll be playing here today as I get reacquainted with her.
Anyone that wants an invite to my Imperial guild on the Begeren Colony can whisper Hyraxia.
SWTOR Sunday, Maybe Not Today
Hi guys, normally today would be SWTOR Sunday starting at 9AM PDT. These are the Sundays when I'm in SWTOR and having fun with everyone. But today I have some errands to run so I can't play until later this afternoon. But there will be other guild members online so have fun and I'll game with you when I can.
Saturday, June 13, 2015
Alien and Prometheus Combined
I was a fan of Alien, but the confused prequel Prometheus just seemed like a cash grab. I wanted to like Prometheus because it seemed to pay attention to many little details that appealed to me, but ultimately it had no story and was just a lot of running around and screaming for no reason.
Cinema Sins summarizes perfectly why overall Prometheus just sucks.
But what if you took just the best bits from Prometheus and combined them with Alien? A film student, Job Willins, has done exactly that having taken Ridley Scott’s films and combined them into Derelict. If you enjoy the Alien franchise you may like this mashup.
To be more dramatic this mashup is entirely in black and white.
Cinema Sins summarizes perfectly why overall Prometheus just sucks.
But what if you took just the best bits from Prometheus and combined them with Alien? A film student, Job Willins, has done exactly that having taken Ridley Scott’s films and combined them into Derelict. If you enjoy the Alien franchise you may like this mashup.
To be more dramatic this mashup is entirely in black and white.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Steam Machines and controllers are doing well on pre-orders!
Microsoft has demonized Linux for years doing its best to frighten users away from the free operating
system and to continue to pay for their Windows operating system and its associated software. With Windows 8 Microsoft became extremely belligerent and overbearing towards video game publishers and distributors demanding to approve anything that ran on Windows 8…so Valve threatened to start producing for Linux and Microsoft dared them to try. Many Microsoft-controlled media outlets denigrated Valves choice and ran stories (likely paid-ads) against Linux and Linux gaming and tried to laugh Valve. Well today with Steam machines selling briskly months before the launch of the Steam OS (a Debian Linux fork) the idea of Linux gaming isn’t funny anymore. In fact lately Microsoft has been doing everything to hype Windows 10 to try and upstage the Steam Machines. Well, good luck with that Microsoft. Linux is coming to desktop PCs in a big way soon and you’re just going to have to take it!
system and to continue to pay for their Windows operating system and its associated software. With Windows 8 Microsoft became extremely belligerent and overbearing towards video game publishers and distributors demanding to approve anything that ran on Windows 8…so Valve threatened to start producing for Linux and Microsoft dared them to try. Many Microsoft-controlled media outlets denigrated Valves choice and ran stories (likely paid-ads) against Linux and Linux gaming and tried to laugh Valve. Well today with Steam machines selling briskly months before the launch of the Steam OS (a Debian Linux fork) the idea of Linux gaming isn’t funny anymore. In fact lately Microsoft has been doing everything to hype Windows 10 to try and upstage the Steam Machines. Well, good luck with that Microsoft. Linux is coming to desktop PCs in a big way soon and you’re just going to have to take it!
Sunday, June 7, 2015
DC Saves the Galaxy! (FanFilm)
Darth Vader has captured Superman to trade to Darkseid and only Batman can save him! If you're a DC fan you'll love this...
SWTOR Sunday!
It's time for another SWTOR Sunday and today I'll be playing on the Republic side with Blue October, as long as there are guild members to game with. Lately the Imperials have been the ones to show up in the greatest numbers though. But to ensure that the Republic doesn't feel neglected I'll game with them today until they get tired of it, then it's off to the Empire!
I'll be slightly delayed logging in today so I may not be on until 9:30PDT but I'll log in as soon as I make it home.
I'll be slightly delayed logging in today so I may not be on until 9:30PDT but I'll log in as soon as I make it home.
Friday, June 5, 2015
Infinite Crisis Shutting Down August 2015
DC is just a universe of sadness, on and off the big screen.
Infinite Crisis, a MOBA which just launched at the end of March and is set in the DC universe, is now officially slated to shut down in August. Holy flops Batman, that is one of the fastest fails I’ve ever seen!
While there is no official word as to why the game is shutting down I’m going to go out on a limb (and it’s a thick sturdy limb) that the game never really managed to attract an active player base. It’s a shame because it’s not a bad game, but with all the well-established MOBA’s out there it just never managed to attract much attention. Hopefully you didn't spend any money on this game. |
If you never played Infinite Crisis this is what it looks like:
Thursday, June 4, 2015
The Gigabyte Z170X GAMING G1 is coming!
It's stuff like this why I never have any money.
This is the most amazing motherboard I’ve ever seen for gaming! By now we’re used to dual network interface cards (NICs) on gaming motherboards but this thing doubles up on everything: USB ports, dual M.2 connectors, and nothing short of SATA connector madness is going on here. And as typical for Gigabyte the motherboard has dual BIOS plus throws in a few over-clocker features. We even get an Intel USB Type-C connector Of course as usual Gigabyte can’t resist layering all the contacts in gold so electrical not a problem. Below is an interview with a Gigabyte representative who appears to let slip some very interesting news too! The Gigabyte Z170X GAMING G1 will be socket 1151 so this motherboard will only be for Intel’s upcoming Skylake series processors, but Intel hasn’t announced when those processors will be released. But the Gigabyte representative mentions that the Gigabyte Z170X GAMING G1 will be available in August, "at the same time as Skylake". Sounds like the silicon cat is out of the bag. Devil’s Canyon’s been fun, but Skylake will be here by the end of the summer! Gigabyte seems to have done it again with a fantastic motherboard for gaming. This board screams “gamer” with its outrageous amount of connectivity options! Ugh, I can not resist awesomeness of this magnitude. I don’t care what this thing costs, I’m getting one! |
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
SWTOR: Skimpy Clothes for Female Characters

Monday, June 1, 2015
The GeForce GTX 980 TI is coming! (Confirmed)
I’ve been seriously considering a GeForce GTX Titan X
because, reasons. But the GeForce GTX 980 TI has arrived and its performance,
all dedicated to gaming, matches the Titan X in every appreciable benchmark.
Playing with the 980 TI I probably wouldn’t be able to see the difference
between gaming on it and the Titan X. As much as I like the idea of getting a
Titan X just for the heck of it the 980 TI seems to offer all the same bang for
$300+ less bucks. Looks like I’m getting a GeForce GTX 980 TI instead of a
Titan X.
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